Walking with those who have experienced child loss

“Some things cannot be fixed. They can only be carried.”

It’s OK That You’re Not OK: Managing Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn’t Understand by Megan Devine

The loss of a child leaves families in a world they never expected and never wanted to be in. The Magnolia Foundation seeks to come alongside these families as they enter into the “what’s next” phase of their lives.

The Magnolia Foundation exists to support and assist families in emotional, spiritual, and financial ways as they grieve the loss of a child.

Our Mission

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Your tax-deductible donation will allow The Magnolia Foundation to serve families in grief. Thank you for joining us in this mission.

“Death can never fully have what it does not forever own. And so we follow Christ not only to death, but through it.”

Guy Delcambre in Joy in the Sorrow by Matt Chandler

“We do not believe the Lord took our girl from us. We believe He is holding our girl for us.
And Hattie loves to be held.”

Click below to find out more about Hattie Jo Collins, the Collins family, and the story behind The Magnolia Foundation.